Tuesday, October 15, 2024

AJEIEb - 2. a 3. ročník -stretnutie študentov, vyučujúcich a terminológov slovenského odboru GR Európskej komisie pre preklad (DGT)

Stretnutie sa uskutoční online. Prosím záujemcov, aby sa mi nahlásili v priebehu tohto týždňa na tento mail, ďalej potom budeme postupovať podľa inštrukcií k online forme stretnutia. 

"Na stretnutí Vám priblížime podrobnosti spolupráce a zodpovieme Vaše otázky. Uskutoční sa v piatok 25. októbra o 10.30 hod. na Zastúpení Európskej komisie v Bratislave. Stretnutie potrvá približne 90 minút. Ak nemáte možnosť zúčastniť sa osobne, umožníme pripojenie na diaľku cez platformu Webex (prihlasovací odkaz pošleme týždeň vopred).

Cieľom stretnutia je ponúknuť študentom a vyučujúcim spoluprácu v oblasti terminológie. Odbor slovenského jazyka nášho riaditeľstva ponúka možnosť podieľať sa na budovaní terminologickej databázy IATE (InterAktívna Terminológia pre Európu), ktorú spoločne vytvárajú inštitúcie a agentúry EÚ. Obsahuje takmer 7 miliónov termínov v rôznych jazykoch a využívajú ju nielen prekladatelia a tlmočníci, ale aj národní experti a verejnosť. Vyučujúci sa do terminologického projektu môžu zapojiť spolu so svojimi študentmi, napr. v rámci seminárnych prác. Študenti budú pracovať priamo v databáze IATE, kde budú mať pridelený konkrétny terminologický projekt. Odmenou za spoluprácu budú symbolické vecné ceny, stretnutie s prekladateľmi Európskej komisie venované pracovným príležitostiam na Generálnom riaditeľstve pre preklad a osvedčenie o účasti na terminologickom projekte. Študenti si navyše môžu spoluprácu uviesť ako pracovnú skúsenosť vo svojom životopise. "


Slávka Janigová

Registration for Annual virtual visit to DG Translation for AJEIEm students

The European Commission Directorate General for Translation (DGT) is pleased to invite you and your students to participate in the annual virtual visit to DGT. The event will take place on 22 November 2024 from 9.30 to 12.30 Central Europe Time (CET).   

The aim of the event is to bring together students studying for a master's in translation or linguistic studies and translators working for the European Commission to give the participants a glimpse of their daily work.  

During the virtual visit, participants will learn about:

· the work of European Commission translators
· translation tools and methods used in DG Translation
· the required skills for translators
· the various translation profiles and
· career and traineeship opportunities at the European Commission.

Professional translators working for the Commission will share their experience and answer participants' questions in interactive virtual rooms.

The programme will include:

· an introduction to DG Translation, the work of translators and career opportunities (in English) and
· breakout rooms for each of the 24 official EU languages<https://european-union.europa.eu/principles-countries-history/languages_en> where students can interact with translators and ask questions.

Register now<https://commission.europa.eu/ec-events/2024-annual-virtual-visit-dg-translation-2024-11-22_en> before 15 November.

Places are limited to 1 000 connections. Registrations will therefore be validated on a first come first served basis. In case the maximum number of registrations is reached before the deadline, registration will be closed earlier than 15 November.

Slávka Janigová

Political Institutions of Great Britain and USA

Dear students,

our seminar is cancelled  tomorrow (Oct 16). I do apologize for any inconvenience.
Further info will be available in MS Teams.

Thank you,


October 15, 2024 - Class cancellation

Dear students,
Please be informed that all seminars are cancelled today (15.10.2024). We will meet again next week at the usual time. I apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
Looking forward to seeing you all next week.

Barbora Poláková

Monday, October 14, 2024


Voľby sa uskutočnia 23. 10. 2024 od 8.00 do 14.00 hod. elektronickým hlasovaním (prostredníctvom AiS2 bez fyzickej prítomnosti voličov, so zabezpečením tajnosti hlasovania).
Kandidátky za Katedru anglistiky a amerikanistiky sú:
Mgr. Mária Lujza CSORBA, 2. ročník, doktorandský stupeň štúdia
Mgr. Veronika HUDÁKOVÁ, 1. ročník, doktorandský stupeň štúdia
Mgr. Katarína RENDOŠOVÁ, 1. ročník, doktorandský stupeň štúdia
The election to the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts, UPJS, will be held on October 23, 2024, between 8AM and 2PM via AIS.
The candidates for the Department of British and American Studies are as follows:
Mgr. Mária Lujza CSORBA, 2nd-year PhD student
Mgr. Veronika HUDÁKOVÁ, 1st-year PhD student
Mgr. Katarína RENDOŠOVÁ, 1st-year PhD student

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Creativity testing - research project (Introduction to Linguistics course)

Dear students,

this message concerns the 1st year students who should be subject to creativity testing - a part of the research project connected to the Introduction to Linguistics course. You may find a shared document with specific dates and classrooms below. Please, choose a date that suits you and write your name below. The maximum number of 30 people per date cannot be exceeded. 

Link to the shared document: https://upjs-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/dmytro_hrytsu_upjs_sk/EW2mLuTRKhpLudYV3uQ8KWYBhiSXznP5n7acpiQ2w7vGBw?e=LtXbGe 

Thank you,
M. L. Csorba

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Hrytsu - Listening and Intro to Linguistics on Friday

Dear students,

Listening class with me on Friday (4.10.2024) is canceled due to illness. Bring Week 3 and Week 4 materials with you next week.

Please do attend the Introduction to Linguistics seminar, as you will still take the short test. The seminar's topic, Sources and Properties of Human Language, is left for self-study.

Stay healthy,
Dmytro Hrytsu

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

All my classes are canceled on Thursday (3.10.2024). Apologies for the inconvenience. I will inform you next week regarding the rescheduling of the missed classes.
Zuzana Buráková

Hrytsu - Listening and Intro to Linguistics on Thursday

Dear students,

Listening class with me on Thursday is canceled due to illness. Bring Week 3 and Week 4 materials with you next week.

Please do attend the Introduction to Linguistics seminar, as you will still take the short test. The seminar's topic, Sources and Properties of Human Language, is left for self-studying.

Stay healthy,
Dmytro Hrytsu

Friday, September 27, 2024


Mili studenti KAaA,

prosim, aby ste si v priebehu nasledujuceho tyzdna 30.9.- 4.10.2024 skontrolovali svoje zapisne listy
a uistili sa, ze mate zapisane predmety v sulade s Vasim Studijnym planom.

Upozornujem, ze je potrebne mat vyskrtnuty predmet, ktory nebudete navstevovat.

V pripade otazok ma kontaktujte.


Konzultacne hodiny Tomascikova

Konzultacne hodiny v ZS 2024/2025 budem mat v pondelok 9.45-10.45 a
12.30-13.30. S. Tomascikova

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Ponuka brigády v sobotu 28.9. Sprevádzanie po centre Košíc

Milí študenti,

mal by niekto z Vás záujem o cca 4 hodinovú brigádu v sobotu od obeda?
Ide o sprevádzanie  amerického turistu, ktorého babka pochádzala z Košíc. On sám je prvýkrát nielen na Slovensku ale dokonca i v  Európe.
Ide o platenú ponuku.
Viac informácií Vám poskytnem na čísle 0905 123 621.
Roman Gajdoš

Monday, September 23, 2024

Introduction to Linguistics MS Teams code

Dear students,

join the MS Teams group Introduction to Linguistics 24_25 using the following code:


To remind you, we will use the MS Team application during the lecture on Tuesday.

Dmytro Hrytsu

R. Gregová - KH v 2. týždni semestra (23. - 27. september)

Tento týždeň sú moje KH z pracovných dôvodov zrušené. V prípade potreby ma môžete kontaktovať mailom.

Doc. Mgr. Renáta Gregová, PhD.
Department of British and American Studies
Faculty of Arts
P. J. Šafárik University
Moyzesova 9
040 01 Košice
Slovakia (EU)

SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics (Clarivate Analytics, Scopus)
LICOLAB (Language, Information and Communication Laboratory)

Thursday, September 19, 2024

English grammar - selected chapters

Dear students,

please, find instructions concerning our seminar on Monday (Sept 23) in our team in MS Teams and follow them.

Thank you,


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Institucie Velkej Britanie UKINb/15 - UK Institutions

Dear students,

you've been added to the UK Institutions_BASb team in MS Teams. You will find instructions concerning our seminar on Thursday there.

Adriana Sabovikova

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Mgr. Polakova - W1 classes cancelled

Dear students,

All w1 classes (2024/09/16 - 2024/09/20) are cancelled due to illness.
See you next week.
Barbora Polakova

Výzva na dlhodobé a krátkodobé mobility programu Erasmus+

Študenti a doktorandi sa môžu prihlásiť do výberového konania prostredníctvom Google formulára (https://forms.gle/jRhT2x4VBQoQPd6u5), ktorý bude prístupný do 23.9.2024, 12:00 hod. V rámci aktuálnej výzvy sa študenti a doktorandi môžu prihlásiť na tieto typy mobilít: 

- dlhodobé mobility - štúdium: letný semester AR 2024/2025
- dlhodobé mobility - stáž: od 21.10.2024 do 30.06.2025
- krátkodobé zmiešané mobility študentov 1. a 2. stupňa štúdia: od 21.10.2024 do 31.7.2025
- krátkodobé doktorandské mobility: od 21.10.2024 do 31.7.2025
- zmiešané intenzívne programy (ZIP): od 21.10.2024 do 31.7.2025
- absolventské mobility: max. 2 mesiace fyzickej mobility v zahraničí  

Viac informácií o jednotlivých typoch mobilít a grantov nájdete tu: https://www.upjs.sk/erasmus-vyzvy-2024-2025/#studium. Prehľad platne uzatvorených medziinštitucionálnych zmlúv nájdete tu: https://www.upjs.sk/informacie/medzinarodne-vztahy/zamestnanecke-mobility/.

Prihlásenie do výberového konania prekonzultujte so mnou vopred, prosím.


S pozdravom,

Dmytro Hrytsu
Katedrový koordinátor

Monday, September 16, 2024

Introduction to British Studies - Seminars

Dear students,

in order to get the access to the materials for the seminars you need to use this link (and your university email)

Adriana Sabovikova

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Language Skills 1 - Materials - BASb & BASb Double Majors

Dear students,

you will find materials for all parts of Language Skills 1 in MS TEAMS.
Join the team Language Skills 1 - Materials using the code p110xed

Adriana Sabovikova

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Lexical semantics and Lexicology classes

The Lexical semantics and Lexicology classes on 17 and 24 September are cancelled. We will meet on 1 October.

Prof. P. Stekauer


Prof. Dr. Pavol Stekauer

Department of British and American Studies

P.J. Safarik University

Moyzesova 9

04001 Kosice



SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics: www.skase.sk (Web of Science, Scopus, Erih+)

Conferences: Word-formation Theories / Typology and Universals in Word-formation

Lexical semantics and Lexicology classes

The Lexical semantics and Lexicology classes on 17 and 24 September are cancelled. We will meet on 1 October.

Prof. P. Stekauer


Prof. Dr. Pavol Stekauer

Department of British and American Studies

P.J. Safarik University

Moyzesova 9

04001 Kosice



SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics: www.skase.sk (Web of Science, Scopus, Erih+)

Conferences: Word-formation Theories / Typology and Universals in Word-formation

Message for students of Language Typology and the Development of the English Language

Dear students,

teams have been created in MS Teams for both courses. In each team you will find a message there – please read it carefully until the end. If you are unable to access the team, please contact me. 

Best wishes,

Lívia Körtvélyessy

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

PV predmet Zrucnosti pre uspech

Informujem studentov a studentky Mgr studijnych programov na KAA, ze na
predmete Zrucnosti pre uspech - z univerzity do praxe KAaA/SFS/18, je
este niekolko volnych miest.

Predmet vyucuju trenerky a treneri firiem zdruzenych v Americkej
obchodnej komore, je vyucovany v 7 blokoch, v pondelky od 14.00-17.30.
Vyucba zacne v polovici oktobra. Vacsina vyucby prebieha priamo vo firmach.

V pripade zaujmu si predmet mozete predmet zapisat prostrednictvom AIS
alebo ziadosti.

V pripade, ze mate zaujem o dalsie informacie, kontaktujte ma prosim do
12.9.2024. Slavka Tomascikova

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Pozvánka na panelovú diskusiu 12.9.

Pozývame Vás na panelovú diskusiu Hlasy Európy: viacjazyčnosť v digitálnych časoch. Diskutovať sa bude o využívaní jazykov v EÚ a v Európskych inštitúciách, o práci tlmočníka a prekladateľa v EÚ ako aj o využívaní umelej inteligencie v prekladateľstve.

Diskutovať budú: 
Mgr. Barbora Tricoire - prekladateľka
Mgr. Roman Gajdoš - tlmočník
Mgr. Peter Getlík, PhD. - slovakista

Podujatie sa bude konať v Café minerva v areáli FF UPJŠ na Moyzesova 9 v Košiciach 12. septembra 2024 (štvrtok) o 17:00. Záujemcovia sa môžu nezáväzne registrovať na: https://forms.gle/sJL3EDLcsqwT2Tjp6
Vyplňte, prosím, registračný formulár:

Tešíme sa vašu účasť.

S pozdravom

prof. Mgr. Renáta Panocová, PhD.                                             Mgr. Barbora Tricoire
   za FF UPJŠ v Košiciach                                   za Zastúpenie Európskej komisie na Slovensku
           (dekanka FF UPJŠ)                             (prekladateľka)

Friday, September 6, 2024

Linguistic Proseminar

                                  Linguistic Proseminar
                             (Online, Microsoft Teams)
                         Professor Dr. Myroslava Fabian

                           27.09.2024                       (07:05 -10:05)
                           03.10.2024; 10.10.2024 (07:05 -10:05) 
                           07.11.2024; 14.11.2024 (07:05 -10:05) 
                           05.12.2024; 12.12.2024 (07:05 -10:05) 

Comparative Stylistics

                     Comparative Stylistics 
                   (online, Microsoft   Teams)

                 Professor Dr. Myroslava Fabian

             26. 09.2024         (14:25 -15:55; 16:15 -17:45)
             03.10.2024; 10.10.2024 (14:25 -15:55; 16:15 -17:45) 
             07.11.2024; 14.11.2024 (14:25 -15:55; 16:15 -17:45) 
             05.12.2023; 12.12.2023 (14:25 -15:55; 16:15 -17:45)

Office Hours

                   Professor Dr. Myroslava Fabian
             Each month's 1st and 2nd Thursday 
                              (13:00 - 14:30)

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Mili studenti,

predmet KORPUSOVA LINGVISTIKA nie je zaradeny v rozvrhu, pretoze bude oduceny BLOKOVO.

Termin vyuky bude oznameny prostrednictvom NB.



Thursday, July 18, 2024

otazky tykajuce sa rozvrhu

Mili studenti,

prosim, aby ste otazky tykajuce sa objektivnych rozvrhovych kolizii adresovali mne - karin.sabolikova@upjs.sk

Vasim otazkam sa budem venovat najneskor po 18.8.2024.



Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Európsky deň jazykov na FF UPJŠ 2024 - HĽADÁME DOBROVOĽNÍKOV

Milé študentky a milí študenti,

hľadáme dobrovoľníkov na pripravovaný Európsky deň jazykov na pôde FF UPJŠ, na ktorom organizačne participuje aj naša katedra a ktorý sa uskutoční 12. 9. 2024.
Toto podujatie je každoročne skvelou príležitosťou nabrať nové skúsenosti a lepšie sa navzájom spoznať.

Prosím študentov, ktorí by nám radi pomohli s organizáciou podujatia aby ma čo najskôr kontaktovali mailom na adriana.sabovikova@upjs.sk

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Ponúka ERASMUS+ stáže v Amnesty International v Česku

Milí študenti,

posielam ponuku stáže od Amnesty International v Česku. Stáž viete financovať aj prostredníctvom Erasmus+ programu. 

Dmytro Hrytsu

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Výzva na krátkodobé a ZIP mobility v rámci programu Erasmus+ na AR 2024/2025

Študenti a doktorandi sa môžu prihlásiť do výberového konania prostredníctvom Google formulára (https://forms.gle/j7TtxbTn5ayFf8Dp9), ktorý bude prístupný do 5.6.2024, 12:00 hod., na tejto stránke: https://www.upjs.sk/filozoficka-fakulta/info-pre-studentov/mobility/. V rámci aktuálnej výzvy sa študenti a doktorandi môžu prihlásiť na tieto typy mobilít: 

  • krátkodobé mobility doktorandov (štúdium/stáž) v trvaní od 5-30 dní, pričom univerzita poskytne účastníkovi krátkodobej mobility grant maximálne do výšky pokrývajúcej 10 dní fyzickej mobility v zahraničí, 
  • ZIP mobility,
  • krátkodobé zmiešané mobility pre I. a II. stupeň štúdia.

Obdobie realizácie mobilít je od 1.8.2024 do 31.7.2025.  

Prihlásenie do výberového konanie prekonzultujte so mnou vopred, prosím.

Viac informácií o jednotlivých typoch mobilít nájdete tu: https://www.upjs.sk/erasmus-vyzvy-2024-2025/

Dmytro Hrytsu

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Adriana Sabovikova - office hours

Thursday, May 30, 9:30 - 11.00

Mgr. Adriana Saboviková, PhD.

Department of British and American Studies

Faculty of Arts

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

Moyzesova 9

Košice 040 01


Art Film Fest - dátum

K predchádzajúcej informácii dopĺňam dátum konania festivalu:
21. až 28. jún 2024
Roman Gajdoš

Spolupráca s filmovým festivalom Art Film Fest 2024

Milí študenti,

naša katedra dostala ponuku na spoluprácu pri realizácii najväčšieho filmového festivalu na Slovensku - Art Film Fest 2024.
Študenti prekladateľstva a tlmočníctva budú mať možnosť klikať titulky a tlmočiť diskusie s hercami a režisérmi filmov, prípadne prekladať scenáre do slovenčiny.
Záujem je aj o tlmočníkov v kombinácii ukrajinčina - angličtina.
Ak prácu pre festival máte záujem, napíšte priamo mail na adresu:
alex.blahova.aff@gmail.com a do správy napíšte, že kontakt máte od Romana Gajdoša a uveďte Vašu jazykovú kombináciu.
Roman Gajdoš

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

morphology exam on 232.05.2024

The morphology exam on 23 May starts at 10.00.

P. Stekauer


Prof. Dr. Pavol Stekauer

Department of British and American Studies

P.J. Safarik University

Moyzesova 9

04001 Kosice



SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics: www.skase.sk (Web of Science, Scopus, Erih+)

Conferences: Word-formation Theories / Typology and Universals in Word-formation

Invitation for our event, Humanizing AI for Learning and Assessment, taking place on May 24th, 2024.

Dear colleagues,


I hope my e-mail finds you well.


We would like to share with you our sincere invitation for an upcoming event - virtual seminar on the topic of: Humanizing AI for Learning and Assessment, taking place on May 24th, 2024. This will be a big and exciting event organized by our ELT team on a yearly basis. Please join!

Sharing with your colleagues and English language teachers who might be interested in joining is much appreciated 😊


If this message does not appear correctly, click here.





A half day of inspiring and thought-provoking sessions – registration is completely free!


Our ELT Team is excited to invite you to an annual event, the Virtual Seminar for English Language Teachers: Humanizing AI for Learning and Assessment on May 24th, 2024. 
You will have the opportunity to join a series of informative and engaging sessions by members of the ELT Team and other guest speakers. Here is a preview of some of the sessions: 


💠 AI in the Classroom: What's Trending?

💠 Practitioner Roundtable: (R)Evolution or Distraction? AI and Tech in ELL

💠 ETS Expert Panel: An Inside Peek into AI Use for Large-Scale Assessments  

Event Details:

📆 Friday, May 24, 2024

A half-day event, 1:00 – 5:00 pm GMT +1

📍 Online, ClickMeeting platform

📜 Agenda & all featured speakers

🎫 Free of charge

Note: There are Live Attendance and Recording Only ticket options. Live Attendance seats are limited. Attend live to receive a Confirmation of Attendance.




Please forward this invite to your colleagues who may be interested in attending.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at teaching@etsglobal.org


See you on May 24th! 

On behalf of the ELT Team,
Joanna Wrzesińska
Head of ELT & Institutional Relations





Thank you very much,

Kind regards,


Larissa Král

Senior Manager CEE & Central Asia

lkral@etsglobal.org | M: +420-777 757 076

www.etsglobal.org  www.ets.org


Promoting Skill Proficiency | Empowering Upward Mobility | Unlocking Opportunity for All



Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Language Skills 2 - CREDIT TEST 2 = RESULTS - BASb, BASb Double Majors

Dear BASb and BASb Double Major (and Erasmus) students,

Credit Test 2 and final  results are already uploaded in the AIS.

Should you want to consult your Credit Test 2 results, please do so during the office hours of the teachers:

grammar = Dr. Adriana Sabovikova
listening = Mgr. Milana Hrachova
reading = Mgr. Katarina Dankova


Dear Students of Dept. of BAS,

I would like to thank every one of you who joined any of the workshops/presentations during the two-two-day-long career and alumni club event! I especially thank everyone who attended the speech given by Mr. Stephen Sholl, which, I think, was of particularly high value!

I want to assure every one of you that your active participation and cooperative spirit won’t go unnoticed!

Thank you again!



Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Adriana Sabovikova - office hours

Thursday - May 16 - 9:30 - 11:00


Dear Students of Dept. of BAS,

We are extremely sorry to realize that our effort to organize a valuable last week of the semester with career and alumni activities has not met your plans and expectations. The low numbers of attendance prove that these types of activities are not welcome and not needed.

Based on the experiences from the previous day and today morning, however, I would like to turn to you once again and ask you to join the afternoon presentation in bigger number. This presentation is very important for our department as we see it as a kind of introducing ourselves to a perspective and valuable partner, the MCC in Budapest. We harbor hopes that the best of our student staff will help us represent our department.

I would like to ask you repeatedly to join us at 2.15, in the M6 (RE0A6) to spend a pleasant one hour with our guest speaker Professor Stephen Sholl.

Thank you very much in advance to those of you who are going to join us!
