Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Language Skills 2 - Credit Test 2 - RESULTS

Dear students,

Credit Test 2 and final  results are already uploaded in the AIS.

Should you want to consult your Credit Test 2 results, please do so during the office hours of the teachers:

grammar = Mgr. Milana Hrachova
listening = Mgr. Veronika Hudáková
reading = Mgr. Katarína Rendošová

AJEIEb  - all parts = Mgr. Kurt Magsamen

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

R. Gregová - KH v 13. týždni semestra

štvrtok 10:00 - 11:30

Doc. Mgr. Renáta Gregová, PhD.
Department of British and American Studies
Faculty of Arts
P. J. Šafárik University
Moyzesova 9
040 01 Košice
Slovakia (EU)

SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics (Clarivate Analytics, Scopus)
LICOLAB (Language, Information and Communication Laboratory)

Monday, December 9, 2024

Miestnosti na prednášky prof. Socka

Milí študenti francúzskeho modulu,

rada by som Vás informovala o miestnostiach, kde prebehnú prednášky profesora Socka:

Mardi (10.12.) - 8h00 - 9h30, salle AP2P4 : cours pour les étudiants de licence : De l'importance de la phonétique expérimentale

Mercredi (11.12.) - 14h10 - 15h40, salle AP1S9 : cours pour les étudiants de master : Méthodologie du Mémoire

Vendredi (13.12.) - 8h00 - 9h30, salle AP1S9 : cours pour tous les étudiants de français : Initiation à la recherche

Lucia Gallová

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Introduction to Linguistics - Friday Seminar (6.12.)

Dear students,

you will find the information regarding tomorrow's seminar in the Teams group for the course.


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Language Skills 1 - CREDIT TEST 2 - BASb & BASb Double majors

Students of BASb and BAS Double majors
 will write Credit Test 2 from Language Skills 1 on December 10, 2024 at 15.30 - 17.00
in room AK0A7 (the big lecture room on Kostliveho Street).

Students should remember to be in front of the room sooner (at least 10 minutes) as they will start writing the test at 15.30.

Prednášky prof. Socka

Milí študenti francúzskeho modulu,

rada by som Vás informovala o nadchádzajúcich prednáškach profesora Socka:

Mardi (10.12.) - 8h00 - 9h30 : cours pour les étudiants de licence : De l'importance de la phonétique expérimentale

Mercredi (11.12.) - 14h10 - 15h40 : cours pour les étudiants de master : Méthodologie du Mémoire

Vendredi (13.12.) - 8h00 - 9h30 : cours pour tous les étudiants de français : Initiation à la recherche

V prípade otázok ma kontaktujte mailom.

Mgr. Lucia Gallová, PhD.
Department of British and American Studies
Faculty of Arts
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

LS 1, Exam 2 for AJEIEb and PLB4d students

Dear Students,

The second Language Skills exam for AJEIEb and PLB4d students will be given on Tuesday, December 10th at 13:30 in room AP1P1. The exam will begin at 13:30, so please be seated by 13:25. 

Kurt Magsamen

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Terminology of Business Law and Translation

Dear students,

Due to a bomb threat received today, all classes are canceled for safety reasons.

As a result, please note the following updates regarding your Terminology of Business Law and Translation course:
The next class will take place on Thursday, December 5, 2024.

The test on Terminology of Business Law and Translation has been scheduled for this date.

Test Details

Vocabulary, phrases, and translations based on the materials Joint-Stock Company (MS Word and MS PowerPoint - in total 2 documents, covered during our classes) shared in Teams.
Pay special attention to terminology and to phrases with prepositions, particularly from the material Terminology of Joint-Stock Companies.
Translation exercises will also include content from your homework on the Joint-Stock Company PowerPoint presentation.

Tip: You can use the knowledge you've acquired throughout the semester in Terminology of Business Law and Translation to assist you with translations.
Preparation Tips:
Focus on both the specific terminology and the contextual use of phrases with prepositions as presented in the provided materials.
Review and practice translating short paragraphs from the documents to strengthen your understanding.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need additional clarification.

Stay safe, take care, and I look forward to seeing you in the next class on December 5.

Barbora Poláková

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Political Institutions of GB and USA & History of Great Britain - selected chapters

Dear students,
my classes tomorrow (Nov 27) are cancelled.
Please, follow upcoming notifications in MS Teams for further instructions.
I do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thank you,


TTT Class Cancellation & Next Week's Test

Dear Students,

Today's TTT class (26.11.2024) is cancelled. I will upload the .ppt for Handout 7 to SharePoint shortly.

Also, a test will take place next week (W12 - as scheduled) with the same requirements as the previous one.

Best regards,

Mgr. Barbora Poláková
Filozofická fakulta/Faculty of Arts

Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach/Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
Šrobárova 2
Košice 040 59

Please consider the environment before printing. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Témy záverečných prác / Thesis topics

Milí študenti a študentky,

témy záverečných prác boli zverejnené na katedrových webstránkach. Prečítajte si pokyny na začiatku súboru a kontaktujte školiteľov a školiteľky v súlade s týmito pokynmi. 

Študenti/ky jednoodborového štúdia BASb, BASm, BASmex, AJEIEb a AJEIEm si vyberajú témy a odovzdávajú zmluvy od 20.11.2024 do 19.12.2024. 

Následne od 10.1.2025 do 31.1.2025 si vyberajú témy a odovzdávajú zmluvy študenti/ky medziodborového štúdia BASbm a učiteľského štúdia AJm v kombinácii. Študenti/ky medziodborových študijných programov BASbm a učiteľského štúdia AJm si môžu vybrať tému aj v rámci svojho druhého odboru/jazyka.


Dear students,

the list of topics for BA and MA theses has been published on the department websites. Read the instructions at the beginning of the file and contact your supervisors in accordance with those instructions.

Single-major BAS and AJEIE students choose their topics and hand in the thesis agreements between November 20 and December 19, 2024.

Double-major students BASbm and AJm choose their topics and hand in their thesis assignments between January 10 and January 31, 2025. Double-major students can also choose to write their topic within their second major.

Zoznam tém nájdete tu: / The list of topics can be found here:


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Class cancellation - Filipova Nov 19

Dear students,

due to urgent organizational matters, I have to cancel our class today. Those of you who were supposed to present today, please upload your presentation into the class Team as a recording of a "meeting" - start a meeting, choose the option to record your presenting, and it will save automatically in the Team as a recording. Do so by tomorrow, since your presentation was supposed to be today.

Thank you for your understanding and I apologize for the inconvenience

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Experiment 2 - message for students of Introduction to Linguistics

Dear students,
the second onomatopoeia experiment is open for you in MS Teams team Introduction to Linguistics 24_25 from November till November 30. Please, read the following instructions before you open the form:
  1. There are two language versions of the experiment form: Slovak and Ukrainian. Choose one based on your preferences!
  2. Open the form and observe the instructions. Read them very carefully! There are 9 sections in the form. Each section consists of a link and 7 tasks.
  3. Before you start answering, you must open the link. Each link is a recording. Various sounds are recorded. I recommend using headphones. You can listen to each recording as many times as needed. The recordings are short.
  4. The completion time depends on the number of times you listen to individual recordings, but it should not take more than 30 minutes.
If you have any questions, please contact me by email. Thank you very much for your cooperation,

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Class Cancellations, 18.11

Dear Students,

Due to the Dean's free day and the lecture by the French attaché, all of my classes on Monday, 18.11 are cancelled. 

Kurt Magsamen

Prednáška francúzskeho atašé

Milé študentky a milí študenti,

francúzsky atašé Thomas Perrin bude v pondelok vo francúzštine prednášať o prerode mesta z priemyselného na kultúrne. Vychádzať bude z transformácie mesta Lille, ktoré bolo hlavným mestom európskej kultúry v roku 2004. Prednáška je to to zaujímavejšie, že Košice majú rovnakú skúsenosť z roku 2013.
Príďte o 15:30 podporiť vaše spolužiačky, ktoré budú prednášky simultánne tlmočiť.
Roman Gajdoš

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Dear students,

unfortunately, due to illness, I have to cancel our seminars today (Nov 13) - Political Institutions of Great Britain and USA and History of G.Britain - selected chapters.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Further info will be available in  MS Teams.

Thank you,


povinna prednaska pre AJEIEb a AJEIEm 18.11.2024

Ziadam vsetkych studentov AJEIEb a AJEIEm oboch modulov, aby sa
zucastnili prednasky atache Velvyslanectva Francuzskej republiky na
Slovensku, pana Thomasa Perrina, ktora sa uskutocni v pondelok
18.11.2024 o 15.30 v AP1P2. Dakujem, Slavka Tomascikova

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Pozvánka na webinár - KARIÉRA V INŠTITÚCIÁCH EÚ

Pozvánka na webinár: KARIÉRA V INŠTITÚCIÁCH EÚ
14. novembra 2024

09.30 – Aktuálne zastúpenie SR v inštitúciách EÚ
Martina Balunová – Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí
09.40 – Výberové konania do inštitúcií EÚ
Alina Anton - Európsky úrad pre výber zamestnancov (anglický jazyk)
10.25 – Prípravné kurzy na výberové konania
Nicole Grmelová - Vysoká škola ekonomická v Prahe
Martin Winkler - Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave
11.00 – Slováci pracujúci v inštitúciách EÚ
Beáta Zombeková – Generálny sekretariát Rady EÚ
Želmíra Kuľová – stážistka (Blue Book)
Gabriel Ráchela – stážista (GSC)
11.30 – Ukončenie webináru
Účasť na webinári je bezplatná.
Záujemci sa môžu pripojiť cez MS Teams prostredníctvom nižšie uvedeného odkazu:
ID schôdze: 361 715 223 68
Prístupový kód: 72dVNJ

Class cancellation - Filipova

Dear students,

unfortunately I have to cancel our classes today due to health issues. I've already uploaded supplementary work for you in the Teams, so please follow the instructions there.

Best regads

Mgr. Petra Filipová, PhD.
Department of British and American Studies
Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Introduction to US Studies canceled on Monday, November 11.

Dear students,  
This is to inform you that all Introduction to American Studies classes will be canceled tomorrow, Monday, November 11. Please follow all upcoming notifications  in MS Teams for further updates and instructions. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  
Best regards

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Schedule Update for Business Law Class and for Business Economics Class - applicable for Week 8 and Week 9

Dear Students,

W8 - Today (7.11.2024)
I would like to inform you of some changes to today's schedule. The Terminology of Business Law and Translation class, originally set for 16.30, will not take place. Instead, we will meet at 16.30 for the Terminology of Business Economics and Translation class.


W9 - Next week (14.11.2024)
Please also note that the test scheduled for Week 9 will take place next week as planned, on 14th November 2024, during the Terminology of Business Economics and Translation class, which will also begin at 16.30.

Following this, the Terminology of Business Law and Translation class will start afterward at 18.05.

Thank you for your understanding, and please feel free to reach out with any questions.


Mgr. Barbora Poláková
Filozofická fakulta/Faculty of Arts

Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach/Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
Šrobárova 2
Košice 040 59

Please consider the environment before printing. 

Monday, November 4, 2024

Language Skills 1 - Credit Test 1 - RESULTS

Dear students,

Credit Test 1 results are already uploaded in the AIS.

Should you want to consult your Credit Test 1 results, please do so during the office hours of the teachers:

BASb & BASb Double Majors
grammar = Mgr. Maria Lujza Csorba
listening = Mgr. Dmytro Hrytsu
reading = Mgr. Katarina Dankova

all the parts = Mgr. Kurt Magsamen

English grammar - selected chapters 14.25 & 16.15

Dear students,

our seminars today (Nov 4) are cancelled.
I do apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you,

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Introduction to Linguistics - first-year students

Dear first-year students,
the next test, conducted as part of your Introduction to Linguistics course, will start on November 6th. This is a hearing sensitivity test, supervised by Associate Professor Šebeňa from the Department of Psychology, and it will take place in the Sokrates building, first floor, room AS2L8. You need to sign up for the test via the link provided in the file terminy_sluchoveho_testovania_3.xlsx. Appointments are available until November 15th. More detailed information is available on MS Teams.
Best wishes,
Lívia Körtvélyessy

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

R. Gregová - Office Hours during Tutorials

Wednesday 12:30 - 14:00

Doc. Mgr. Renáta Gregová, PhD.
Department of British and American Studies
Faculty of Arts
P. J. Šafárik University
Moyzesova 9
040 01 Košice
Slovakia (EU)

SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics (Clarivate Analytics, Scopus)
LICOLAB (Language, Information and Communication Laboratory)

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Experiment 1 - message for students of Introduction to Linguistics

Dear students,
the first onomatopoeia experiment is open for you in MS Teams team Introduction to Linguistics 24_25 from October 28 till November 10. Please, read the following instructions before you open the form:
  1. There are two language versions of the experiment form: Slovak and Ukrainian. Choose one based on your preferences!
  2. Open the form and observe the instructions. Read them very carefully! There are 9 sections in the form. Each section consists of a link and the task itself.
  3. Before you start answering, you must open the link. Each link is a recording. Various sounds are recorded. I recommend using headphones. You can listen to each recording as many times as needed. The recordings are short.
  4. The completion time depends on the number of times you listen to individual recordings, but it should not take more than 30 minutes.
If you have any questions, please contact me by email. Thank you very much for your cooperation,

Friday, October 25, 2024

Introduction to Linguistics - Friday groups

Dear students,

As previously mentioned, our session next Tuesday, October 29th, at 10:40, will be a seminar instead of the usual lecture.

Please read the chapter on Language Levels: Phonetics and Phonology in preparation for a discussion and a short test.

This notice applies only to the groups that have a class with me on Fridays.

Best regards,
Dmytro Hrytsu

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Doc Šnircová office hours in Tutorials week

Monday, 28.10., 10.45-12.15, room AP1P2

Assoc.prof. Soňa Šnircová,PhD.
Department of British and American Studies
Faculty of Arts
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University
Moyzesova 9
04001 Košice

doc.Mgr. Soňa Šnircová, PhD
Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky
Filozofická fakulta
Moyzesova 9
04001 Košice

STÁŽ na Stálom zastúpení SR pri EÚ 2025 pre BASb2, BASm, PhD., AJEIEb2, AJEIm

Cieľom stáže je ponúknuť možnosť stáže študentom s rôznym akademickým zameraním; pozitívne ovplyvňovať záujem študentov vrátiť sa po absolvovaní štúdia v zahraničí späť na Slovensko; formovať tzv. pool of talents (databázu talentovaných ľudí) pre možnú ďalšiu spoluprácu v štátnej správe; prispieť k šíreniu povedomia o fungovaní EÚ a úlohách štátnej správy vo vzťahu k inštitúciám EÚ; aktívne pracovať s mladými ľuďmi.

Prihlásiť sa je možné do 10. novembra 2024 (nedeľa) 23:59 CET elektronicky na adresu staze.permrep@mzv.sk  - zaslať 6 resp. 7 samostatných povinných príloh vo formáte Word alebo pdf:

1. Štruktúrovaný životopis v slovenskom jazyku
2. Osobný dotazník uchádzača o stáž na MZVEZ SR - na stránke MZ
3. Motivačný list (v podobe odpovede na 3 otázky): • Ktorá z politík, ktorej sa Stále zastúpenie venuje, Ťa najviac zaujíma a prečo? (do 150 slov) • Aký je prienik stáže na Stálom zastúpení s Tvojimi plánmi do budúcnosti? (do 250 slov) • Čo konkrétne by si si chcel odniesť zo stáže na Stálom zastúpení? (do 250 slov) 
4. Potvrdenie o štúdiu na daný akademický rok (stážista musí mať počas celej doby výkonu stáže štatút študenta – od 2. ročníka bakalárskeho stupňa). 
5. Potvrdenie o ovládaní anglického jazyka min. na úrovni B2 alebo potvrdenie o zahraničnej skúsenosti v anglickom jazyku (napr. vysokoškolský diplom zo zahraničnej univerzity alebo relevantnej stáže v zahraničí). Uznávame aj vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške z anglického jazyka na úrovni B2. Znalosť francúzskeho jazyka je výhodou. 
6. Odporúčanie na stáž (1x) (nepovinné, no zohľadňované pri hodnotení) – referencia z akademického alebo profesionálneho prostredia s uvedením telefonického a emailového kontaktu na odporúčajúceho. 
7. Osobitné (nepovinné, no zohľadňované pri hodnotení) - stručný opis Tvojich aktivít v každej z nasledujúcich oblastí: (v jednom dokumente taktiež vo formáte Word alebo pdf): 1. Ocenenie alebo vyznamenanie (akademické, športové, umelecké, resp. iné) (do 150 slov) 2. Mimoškolská aktivita (do 150 slov) 3. Dobrovoľnícka aktivita (do 150 slov) 4. Vlastný projekt alebo iniciatíva (do 150 slov) Stále zastúpenie SR pri EÚ v Bruseli V tele e-mailu uveď preferenciu pre 2 rôzne z oblastí

Stáž na SZ EÚ Brusel trvá minimálne 1 mesiac a maximálne 5 mesiacov – uprednostňovaní budú záujemcovia s možnosťou dlhšie trvajúcej stáže. Termín nástupu a ukončenia stáže je flexibilný podľa dohody medzi stážistom a Stálym zastúpením.

Stáž je možné financovať cez Erasmus + praktická stáž

Trvanie od 1 mesiaca do 5 mesiacov.

Ďalšie info u doc. S. Janigovej.

Stáž na stálom zastúpení SR pri EÚ

Milí študenti,

rád informujem, že Ministerstvo zahraničných veci a európskych záležitosti SR momentálne ponúka stáž na stálom zastúpení SR pri EÚ pre študentov.

Prihlásiť sa je možné do nedele 10. novembra 2024. Nástup je možný od 1. februára 2025

Stáž je možné financovať cez Erasmus+.

Ďalšie informácie môžete nájsť na tejto webovej stránke:


Dmytro Hrytsu

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

LS 1, Exam 1 for AJEIEb and PLB4d

The first Language Skills exam for AJEIEb and PLB4d students will be given on Tuesday, October 29 at 13:30 in room AP1P1. The exam will begin at 13:30, so please be seated by 13:25. 

Kurt Magsamen

Monday, October 21, 2024

Volby do AS FF

Prosim, podporte v online volbach do Akademickeho senatu FF v stredu
23.10.2024 od 8.00-14.00 nase katedrove kandidatky - Katarinu, Mariu
Lujzu a Veroniku. Dakujem, Slavka Tomascikova

Language Skills 1 - CREDIT TEST 1 - BASb and BAS Double Majors

Students of BASb and BAS Double majors
 will write Credit Test 1 from Language Skills 1 on October 29, 2024 at 15.30 - 16.30
in room AK0A7 (thebig  lecture room on Kostliveho street).

Students should remember to  be in front of the room sooner (at least 10 minutes) as they will start writing the test at 15.30.

Doc. Šnircová Class Cancellation 21.10.

Dear Students,

Today, 21.10., my classes are cancelled. You can find further
instructions in teams.

Soňa Šnircová

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Other Books, Other Worlds: Friday, October 18, 2024 CLASS CANCELLED

Dear students,
as you know, the Open House will take place at our university this Friday, and since the dean announced this will be a day off, our "Other Books, Other Worlds" seminar is cancelled this week. We do not have space for substitution, since the Friday during the tutorial week is a bank holiday, so I decided the best course of action will be to merge the topics on Femininity and Masculinity into one seminar.

This means that the course plan is now as follows:
Week 5 (Friday, October 18): no class, Dean's day off
Week 6 (Friday, October 25): Fairy tales and gender roles: femininity and masculinity
Readings for this week: chapters girlhood, boyhood, tomboy, and identity from your textbook + the stories Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (excerpt), Captain Underpants (excerpt), The Famous Five (excerpt)
You DO NOT have to read the other readings listed in the syllabus for these 2 topics. They will not be part of your credit test, either.
Week 7 (Friday, November 1): no class, All Saints' Day
Week 8 and onwards: as originally outlined in the syllabus

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me (via email or MS Teams chat) anytime.

Enjoy your day off and see you in two weeks.

Silvia Rosivalová Baučeková

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

AJEIEb - 2. a 3. ročník -stretnutie študentov, vyučujúcich a terminológov slovenského odboru GR Európskej komisie pre preklad (DGT)

Stretnutie sa uskutoční online. Prosím záujemcov, aby sa mi nahlásili v priebehu tohto týždňa na tento mail, ďalej potom budeme postupovať podľa inštrukcií k online forme stretnutia. 

"Na stretnutí Vám priblížime podrobnosti spolupráce a zodpovieme Vaše otázky. Uskutoční sa v piatok 25. októbra o 10.30 hod. na Zastúpení Európskej komisie v Bratislave. Stretnutie potrvá približne 90 minút. Ak nemáte možnosť zúčastniť sa osobne, umožníme pripojenie na diaľku cez platformu Webex (prihlasovací odkaz pošleme týždeň vopred).

Cieľom stretnutia je ponúknuť študentom a vyučujúcim spoluprácu v oblasti terminológie. Odbor slovenského jazyka nášho riaditeľstva ponúka možnosť podieľať sa na budovaní terminologickej databázy IATE (InterAktívna Terminológia pre Európu), ktorú spoločne vytvárajú inštitúcie a agentúry EÚ. Obsahuje takmer 7 miliónov termínov v rôznych jazykoch a využívajú ju nielen prekladatelia a tlmočníci, ale aj národní experti a verejnosť. Vyučujúci sa do terminologického projektu môžu zapojiť spolu so svojimi študentmi, napr. v rámci seminárnych prác. Študenti budú pracovať priamo v databáze IATE, kde budú mať pridelený konkrétny terminologický projekt. Odmenou za spoluprácu budú symbolické vecné ceny, stretnutie s prekladateľmi Európskej komisie venované pracovným príležitostiam na Generálnom riaditeľstve pre preklad a osvedčenie o účasti na terminologickom projekte. Študenti si navyše môžu spoluprácu uviesť ako pracovnú skúsenosť vo svojom životopise. "


Slávka Janigová

Registration for Annual virtual visit to DG Translation for AJEIEm students

The European Commission Directorate General for Translation (DGT) is pleased to invite you and your students to participate in the annual virtual visit to DGT. The event will take place on 22 November 2024 from 9.30 to 12.30 Central Europe Time (CET).   

The aim of the event is to bring together students studying for a master's in translation or linguistic studies and translators working for the European Commission to give the participants a glimpse of their daily work.  

During the virtual visit, participants will learn about:

· the work of European Commission translators
· translation tools and methods used in DG Translation
· the required skills for translators
· the various translation profiles and
· career and traineeship opportunities at the European Commission.

Professional translators working for the Commission will share their experience and answer participants' questions in interactive virtual rooms.

The programme will include:

· an introduction to DG Translation, the work of translators and career opportunities (in English) and
· breakout rooms for each of the 24 official EU languages<https://european-union.europa.eu/principles-countries-history/languages_en> where students can interact with translators and ask questions.

Register now<https://commission.europa.eu/ec-events/2024-annual-virtual-visit-dg-translation-2024-11-22_en> before 15 November.

Places are limited to 1 000 connections. Registrations will therefore be validated on a first come first served basis. In case the maximum number of registrations is reached before the deadline, registration will be closed earlier than 15 November.

Slávka Janigová

Political Institutions of Great Britain and USA

Dear students,

our seminar is cancelled  tomorrow (Oct 16). I do apologize for any inconvenience.
Further info will be available in MS Teams.

Thank you,
