Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Creativity testing - research project (Introduction to Linguistics course)

Dear students,

this message concerns the 1st year students who should be subject to creativity testing - a part of the research project connected to the Introduction to Linguistics course. You may find a shared document with specific dates and classrooms below. Please, choose a date that suits you and write your name below. The maximum number of 30 people per date cannot be exceeded. 

Link to the shared document: https://upjs-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/dmytro_hrytsu_upjs_sk/EW2mLuTRKhpLudYV3uQ8KWYBhiSXznP5n7acpiQ2w7vGBw?e=LtXbGe 

Thank you,
M. L. Csorba