Monday, April 29, 2024


Dear Students


I would like to invite you to the presentation of Professor Stephen Scholl, head of international communication at MCC Budapest, which could not have been realized due to the power outage.


The event is going to take place on 14 May 2024 at 2:15 p.m. at the RE0A6 auditorium (Ústav anatómie LF UPJŠ) which is next to the building of the rectorate.


This event is part of the career week activities and thus highly recommended to all 3rd year BA students and to all MA students.

Students of 1st and 2nd years in their MA studies are warmly welcome!

Please, note that the university electronic registration system will be used for monitoring who participates, so do not forget your ISIC cards to be able to enter the auditorium!


We are very thankful to our partners at the MCC that we are able to organize this event regardless the previous complications, so I would like to re-emphasize the importance of our students’ attendance!

Thank you for your joining us and your active participation in the Q&A section of the meeting with Professor Sholl!

