Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Dear Students of Dept. of BAS,

We are extremely sorry to realize that our effort to organize a valuable last week of the semester with career and alumni activities has not met your plans and expectations. The low numbers of attendance prove that these types of activities are not welcome and not needed.

Based on the experiences from the previous day and today morning, however, I would like to turn to you once again and ask you to join the afternoon presentation in bigger number. This presentation is very important for our department as we see it as a kind of introducing ourselves to a perspective and valuable partner, the MCC in Budapest. We harbor hopes that the best of our student staff will help us represent our department.

I would like to ask you repeatedly to join us at 2.15, in the M6 (RE0A6) to spend a pleasant one hour with our guest speaker Professor Stephen Sholl.

Thank you very much in advance to those of you who are going to join us!
