Saturday, November 16, 2024

Experiment 2 - message for students of Introduction to Linguistics

Dear students,
the second onomatopoeia experiment is open for you in MS Teams team Introduction to Linguistics 24_25 from November till November 30. Please, read the following instructions before you open the form:
  1. There are two language versions of the experiment form: Slovak and Ukrainian. Choose one based on your preferences!
  2. Open the form and observe the instructions. Read them very carefully! There are 9 sections in the form. Each section consists of a link and 7 tasks.
  3. Before you start answering, you must open the link. Each link is a recording. Various sounds are recorded. I recommend using headphones. You can listen to each recording as many times as needed. The recordings are short.
  4. The completion time depends on the number of times you listen to individual recordings, but it should not take more than 30 minutes.
If you have any questions, please contact me by email. Thank you very much for your cooperation,